Friday, February 13, 2015

Teaser by Burt Weissbourd

This is the sequel to Inside Passage, it doesn't have to be read to understand this book but I definitely recommend it! It just lets you get more attached to the characters and shows how Abe and Corey found each other. Plus it is written just as brilliantly as this book!

Corey is starting her life over again with a mostly clean state. She is building a relationship with her son Billy, luxuriating in her love for Abe, and finding herself through finding troubled children and helping them out of abusive situations. Life is beginning to feel normal for her again just before she gets caught in the middle of a new spider's web. 

Abe is a talented psychologist who has been helping a young woman Maisie with some of her issues. When she begins to tell him stories about sex and drugs he starts to become concerned especially when she misses one of her weekly drug tests. Billy, Corey's son and friend of Maisie's, confirms that these things have been happening with an older girl named Star. 

What none of them know is the whirlwind that's about to spiral them out of control. The whirl wind's name is Teaser and knows Maisie's real father. That's why he sent Star to befriend her. With a mind focused on revenge he will let nothing stand in his way. 

Such a great book!!!! I love the way Burt Weissbourd handles sensitive issues and weaves them seamlessly into a difficult plot while still keeping you right on the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what's coming next. There is some talk about sexual and physical abuse but it's handled well while also giving a very real look at how difficult it is to deal with. 

Burt Weissbourd is such a great writer and the characters are phenomenal and real. I would kill to have Abe as my actual therapist! He paints realistic pictures of people with all their foibles and imperfections as well as showing their strength and intelligence. All in all definitely a great read! 


Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Frenchman by Lesley Young


Fleur has lived a charmed life, she has been pampered and protected in the American South by her father. When her mother re-enters the picture and introduces Fleur to new things that she had never imagined before she sets off in an adventure to step off of the path of the straight and narrow that has been her norm for so long. 

Fleur follows her mother to Toulon, a seaport town in France for a year. Her mother works for the French National Police investigating the crime family Messette . That's where she meets Louis, the gorgeous rugby player. Instantly her world has not only deviated from the path but exploded into a whole new street filled with things she has never felt before. 

Louis commands her to silence as their relationship gets more intense and passionate and Fleur struggles with his demands and the lies that surround the beginning of their relationship. She can't see beyond the intense passion that blinds her to see who she's becoming involved with. Louis keeps telling her that he is a bad man but she refuses to believe it. 

I haven't read anything by this author before but I will definitely be looking for more by her after reading this. Fleur and Louis are great together! Who doesn't fantasize about meeting that man who is filled with darkness but only you can tame the hunger in him. That is definitely who Fleur and Louis are to each other, they are drawn together like moths to a flame. 

I liked that it wasn't just about the sex either, this is actually classified as a erotica but I wouldn't say that it was anything worse then I have read by Karen Marie Moning and definitely tamer then Laurell K. Hamilton. There was story and humour and mystery, Lesley really makes you care about the couple and the people that surround them not just about when the next sex scene will begin!

Definitely a great read that I recommend!

You can find it here on